For Sale0.45 Acre Commercial Site For Sale Freehold Off A1 Motorway Slip Road
Brownfield Site | Ashvale Road | Tuxford | Nottinghamshire | NG22 0NH
* Planning Consent for the Erection of a Single Storey Mixed Use Class E and F2 Property
* Comprising Steel Framed Commercial Buildings with GIA 220sqm, 2,370sqft and 20 Parking Spaces
* Adjoining a Large Recently Opened Retail Unit
The attractive market town of Tuxford is located in the Bassetllaw District of Nottinghamshire and has a population of approximately 3,000 residents.
It is bisected by the A1 trunk road and East Coast Mainline, the A57 Ollerton to Mansfield Road is close by.
Newark is approximately 9 miles to the south, Sheffield 30 miles to the north-west, Lincoln 15 miles to the east and Doncaster 35 miles to the north.
The land is located to the west side of Ashvale Road and off slip roads feeding to the A1 south bound.
The site comprises a largely rectangular development site formerly being offices associated with the town hall and cleared leaving a concrete base.
Access rights over the adjoining car park to the north have been reserved which will require a ramp up to the car parking area to be constructed.
On the northern boundary is a public footpath leading back to the centre of the town.
The site has full Planning Consent 23/00904/FUL dated 13th March 2024 for the erection of a single storey building for Mixed Use (Class E, Business and Services and F2b) Community Hall/Meeting Room).
Restrictions on the planning limit the use to a gym/community room, exercise studio. Any alternative uses would require the express planning permission of the Local Planning Authority.
Reference to the approved plans indicate that parking has been allocated to the eastern end of the site, the building being located at the western end measuring 20m x 12m approximately.
Wayleave Agreement…
There is an additional small parcel of land located to the north (shown in yellow on the plan), which is included with the sale and leased to Western Power Distribution for a nominal annual rent (currently £289.40).
Interested parties are welcome to view the land from the roadside at their convenience. Should they wish to access the land, this may be done unaccompanied and at their own risk.
All visitors are required to wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). Poyntons Consultancy accepts no liability for any injury, damage, or loss sustained while accessing or viewing the site.
Property Details
- £225,000 plus VAT
- Ashvale Road , Tuxford, NG22 0NH